Rest and Restore:
When: 9:30am Sundays
Where: YogaZama, located at 3303 Lee Parkway, Suite 330 Dallas, TX 75219.
In March in Rest and Restore we re-patterned connection to spine through the upper limbs, now starting April 8th we will re-pattern the connection to lower limbs ie foot to pelvis, pelvis to spine, and then we will go more internal and explore intestine to legs!
As always the class will offer slow conscious movements allowing time to build a felt sense with a particular emphasis on accessible movements to support the body-mind integration and sense of capacity. Movements frequently begin by laying on the back, side and belly, providing ample time for grounding and moving from this sense of knowing to more vertical asana. A mixture of yoga asana and Body Mind Centering, somatic movements.
Workshop updates: Roll and Re-pattern is back!
Roll and Re-pattern: Exploring the Satisfaction Cycle.
When: May 6th, 1pm-3pm
Where: Yoga Art and Music Lakeridge Village 9850 Walnut Hill #427 Dallas, TX 75238.
Learn how to move effortlessly and gracefully while soothing your nervous system. Movements are performed consciously focusing on the internal experience rather than the external appearance of the form. Much of the class will be spent on the floor rolling through the body surfaces. Techniques will be applied to traditional yoga asana as well so you can incorporate this ease into your daily practice.
We explore the satisfaction cycle. This cycle refers to five core movement patterns known as the Basic Neurocellular Patterns (BNP) including:yield, push, reach, grasp, and pull, and release. The exploration cultivates a re-newed relationship with satisfaction, gratification and accomplishment. Allowing us to be nourished by what we long for, strengthen our sense of self, and our sense of belonging.